Green Party Leader visits Brantford-Brant

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Brant Beacon Spotlight!

Brant-Brantford Votes – 2022 Provincial Election Candidate Profiles

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Introducing Karleigh Csordas

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Introducing myself

My name is Karleigh Csordas and I am honoured and excited to be representing the Green Party in the Brantford-Brant riding!

The Green Party is ready to lead a new path towards a better, and brighter future. An important value I enjoy upholding, is being an active member in our community. I am the co-chair of Environmental & Sustainability Policy Advisory Committee and chair of the Green Team Brantford. I am willing to put in the work to see the positive changes and support others in their initiatives to do the same. I hope through our campaign together we can connect on changes with real solutions that the Green Party has to offer.

You can contact me at:

Let me know what you’d like to see for Brantford-Brant!

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Young future voters

Karleigh Csordas with a woman wearing an orange T-shirt with the words "Every Child Matters" I have to share a story from today at waving. Three girls I’m assuming around 15-16 years old were scootering by and asked what I was doing!
I said this is for politics — I am a party running in the election and the date is June 2nd. You can vote when you turn 18 — are you voting this year?

They quickly replied saying no they’re too young to vote but don’t like politics anyway. I said what do you mean you don’t like it — it affects us all. I’m running for a party and as a candidate I want to make sure you are heard. She asked “are you going to give back our land?” Too young to vote yet already being affected by over government and hopelessness that we have. How is that fair to not act on Truth & Reconciliation as a province when it is being called upon us. How can our future generations continue to have hope when they feel hopeless. We all talked what they wanted to see and I agreed and really let them know that we are in this world together — everyone deserve clean water – they deserve to speak up and I thanked them for using their voice to speak up to the candidate. They girls left saying “Go Karleigh” and they will come find me again one day when I’m Prime Minister 🙌🏼 My point is, actions speak louder than words. If elected, I will act.

I commit to upholding Indigenous rights to self-determination, and to act with real respect for treaty obligations.

How can we change? Well, we need more political will! We need meaningful action toward reconciliation.
The government has a legal and moral obligation to work with Indigenous communities – with full partnership, participation, and respect

The Greens WILL:

  • Implement UNDRIP to ensure equity for Indigenous peoples.
  • Establish true nation-to-nation relationships with Indigenous peoples.
  • Recognize First Nations’ right to self-determination and establish a co-management stewardship model for the development of provincial resources with fair revenue sharing.
  • Support Indigenous land defenders in asserting their treaty rights and actions taken to confront threats to their traditional lands.
  • There is SO much work to do our end and there is So much more on the Green Party Platform. Please reach out to chat!!

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At Russell Reid School

Hand-drawn poster : "VOTE" (with a Karleigh Csordas campaign button where the O should be), the Green Party of Ontario logo above the words "Because the world can't";  a blue and green drawing of the globe with a GPO logo at the centre and "Karleigh Csordas" below. Omg my heart!!! I swear we need to vote for our FUTURE generations 🙌🏼 this is so worth it.

Thank you to the fifth grade class at Russell Reid for the amazing conversations this morning!! You all inspire me to do more and do better. We need a government that will show up!!

Yes that means Will Bouma again, has not attended 🤦🏼‍♀️ so unfortunate and disgraceful to have an incumbent to let down our students. It is very apparent he is not putting in the work for such a privileged position in government.

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(over-the-shoulder shot of Karleigh Csordas holding an election sign)We can make choices that build livable communities and a better economy.

Choices supporting green innovation that lead to new businesses, careers and better jobs, and that make it more costly for industries to pollute and more profitable for them to decarbonize.

Choices to cover the tuition for skilled trades and clean energy so that we can launch a massive green workforce.

And choices to give people who need it the most, a helping hand as the world makes the transition.

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Listening to our community

Karleigh Csordas wearing a mask listens to two constituents


As a young person, I’m really listening to our community and the changes people want to see.

I have the energy and knowledge to work through our complex provincial issues. I will always speak the truth, communicate about matters being worked on, and provide honest work to the community. The Green Party is putting forward the effort to do politics differently. We need to set a model to support one another.

I am ready to use my voice on issues such as disability and benefits not getting the support they need, long term care residents who deserve enough staff to provide quality care and a funding commitment to delivering it, improving education, making housing more affordable, and supporting small businesses as the backbone of our economy.

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Affordable home ownership

Affordable Housing (a toy house made of small wooden blocks on a grassy lawn)Getting into home ownership is next to impossible for my generation, including here in Brantford-Brant.

And we are facing the increasing cost and impacts of the climate crisis. Student loans. Global economic uncertainty. Add it all up and we are also facing a mental health crisis. Greens see how housing affordability issues and mental health go hand in hand. A green government will chart a path forward to solve the housing crisis in Ontario without paving over precious farmland and green space. We need mixed diverse neighbourhoods, with townhomes, laneway suites coops and yes even tiny homes, all of which will make home ownership more accessible, livable and affordable. We need a GLI (Guaranteed Livable Income), we must dismantle systemic racism. We must start thinking about jobs and teaching mental health, child care and the arts as low carbon jobs. Because they are. We must invest in protecting nature, creating jobs in global green economy, outdoor education and sustainable local food production. This is how we are going to fix the housing affordability crisis and tackle mental health.

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Livable communities!

Karleigh Csordas and BL standing beside a box of food to be delivered to a community pantry, with a little free library beside them

Karleigh Csordas and BL with a box of food to be delivered to a community pantry

The Green Party is all about livable, affordable & connected communities where we can live, work & play.

BL in a Brantford superhero! She inspires me daily by diverting waste headed towards landfill and feeding so many bellies with her love for our community. I do not have a caption space long enough to share all BL does. Once you meet her you won’t hesitate to sign up to volunteer- shes that awesome! I enjoy connecting on this mission as a volunteer of BL’s!

Bl has a Little Free Pantry she started where you can can give what you can, take what you can process. It is used frequently and ran by many hands! Check out @brantfordperiodpopup too! There are micro pantries of menstrual products for those in need in the little free food pantries plus more locations. It is also a give what you can take what you can. BL’s food pantries have expanded to three locations in Brantford! She also connects for a local food truck that is brought to various neighbourhoods in Brantford-Brant. Just bring your bags and this girl is feeding the community. No one is the judge of your pantry – please, don’t go hungry. Connect on pantry locations and food trucks.

No she can’t run for politics for another few years 😂 but I hope to inspire BL by bringing her with me to meet and canvas with @mikeschreinergpo !! Vote for who you believe in, I just hope to continue to inspire others to get involved in politics and the community 🥰 BL inspires me!

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The Green Party will take action on the climate crisis

Illustration of the earth with a clock face over top, reading 8:30.How much longer will it take for government to take action on the climate crisis?

The climate crisis affects everyone but it also its us right here in Brantford. I was proud to champion the Declaration of a Climate Emergency and Imperative Action here in Brantford. As a result of that initiative, the City of Brantford has developed a really good climate action plan.

The next phase is to get more people involved in climate action – there’s so much we can do at home that may seem small, but when taken collectively, make a big difference! And of course, we have to hold Brantford Council to keeping its commitments and meeting its targets.

#VoteForNature #ONpoli #ONElxn2022 #ClimateAction #Ontario #OntarioCanada #OntarioNature #CdnPoli

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